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Vendor Credentialing

Health Standards Organization (HSO) And Accreditation Canada (AC) Take Over the HSCN Vendor Credentialing Program 


With the dissolution of Healthcare Supply Chain Network (HSCN) as an association (as of June 30, 2020), it was important to find the HSCN Vendor Credentialing Standard a new home. Medtech Canada was pleased to learn that Health Standards Organization (HSO)/Accreditation Canada (AC) would be the new home for the Standard. Medtech Canada staff have been engaging with HSO/AC throughout this ongoing transition process. 

The organization accepts attestations for the Standard and all elements of the Standard remain the same for the time being. More info on this from HSO/AC:

As a reminder, Vendor Credentialing attestations are required to be completed annually. For more information on the Vendor Credentialing solution, including attestations, please use the following contact email: You will receive a response from HSO/AC initiating the attestation process. HSO/AC will also provide you with a description of the National Standard, an information sheet pertaining to the Standard, the attestation form and the online learning instructions. There is no fee associated with the attestation process, however, if you feel that you require support to meet the requirements of the Standard, there is online training available for a fee which HSO/AC can help you access.